mercoledì, maggio 31, 2006

Domanda all'oracolo: "Mi pensa quando non ci vediamo?", risposta: "Do we need to spell it out?". Ed ecco il mio oroscopo settimanale in italiano:

Come ti butta
Una settimana da vivere con pienezza giorno per giorno! Sarà intensa per il lavoro, propizia per l'amore, soprattutto se punti ad una svolta importante. Gratificazioni a gogò!

Con chi fai click
Mercurio nel segno favorirà il dialogo con il partner per migliorare l'intesa e la sicurezza di cui hai tanto bisogno per essere felice. Single? Mente e cuore si esprimeranno in armonia, agevolando gli incontri e liberandoti da eventuali timidezze. Benissimo con Toro, Vergine e Cancro.

L'attimo bollente
Intesa di coppia travolgente e eros al top con un nuovo boy: alla grandissima il 29 e 30 con la Luna nel segno.

Scrivania e dintorni
Si prevede una brillante impennata favorita da Mercurio nel segno, con ottimi risultati nelle prove, nei colloqui e nel trattare affari. I giorni più fortunati il 29, 30 e 1.

Oroscopo per il 2006:

Come ti butta
Con Giove e Urano in bellissimo aspetto, non c'è settore che non possa andare di bene in meglio! I contrasti saranno relativi e le tue qualità verranno esaltate. I risultati saranno abbondanti e soprattutto duraturi! Un anno proprio alla grande!

In coppia L'estate sarà la stagione migliore, non sprecarla con le solite vacanze: programma qualcosa di diverso per voi due, magari anche una romantica crociera o un'isola tropicale dove stare finalmente soli. Se vuoi un bebè è il periodo giusto per metterlo in cantiere!
Single Nei primi giorni di maggio, avrai buone opportunità per cominciare una storia promettente o per lanciarti alla conquista del tipo dei tuoi sogni. Ma il momento più "stellare" sarà nel mese di luglio, quando Venere nel segno in aspetto ok con Giove, ti regalerà l'incontro fatale!
Calde - Ariete: Attrazione fatale, probabilmente però di breve durata! Toro: qualche tensione se lui è il tuo partner storico, nuovi amori passionali. Cancro: grandi progetti di vita a due. Nuovi flirt intriganti. Leone: qualche complicazione. Molto bene le storie che nasceranno da novembre in poi.
Caldissime - Gemelli: Giove ti rende audace, non ti sarà difficile sedurlo! Vergine: riprende l'intesa di coppia. Splendide le nuove unioni. Sagittario: e' un po'evanescente, ma saprai come intrigarlo! Acquario: ti farà volare con la sua fantasia, se dura è amore!
Bollenti - Bilancia: strapazzalo: gli piacerà! Scorpione: un amore senza fine! Capricorno ti coinvolgerà al massimo:attrazione fatale! Pesci intesa tenera, sensuale e appagante!

Primo lavoro Le novità non ti mancheranno, se non da subito, certamente dalla primavera in poi!
Cambiamenti Di solito l'idea ti fa rabbrividire, ma quest'anno sarai pronta a prendere in considerazione un'interessante nuova proposta che ti verrà offerta all'improvviso. Mesi top giungo e dicembre.
Carriera e soldi A parte qualche battuta d'arresto ad inizio anno, il 2006 promette bene anche sul piano economico. In estate avrai le idee chiare da concretizzare poi in ottobre.

Non avrai di che lamentarti, con Giove e Urano a favore per tutto l'anno. Carica di vitalità e in perfetta forma psicofisica, potrai concederti ogni sfizio. Il mese migliore dicembre.

martedì, maggio 30, 2006


>> riuscire a stare a dieta da domani (ed esserlo soprattutto stata questi giorni ma la sindrome PM non me l'ha assolutamente permesso.


>> Spybag di Fendi
>> Stampante fotografica
>> Album matrimoniale cartonato (per cui mi ha sparato un mega prezzo)
>> Materiale da scrapbooking (per un album matrimoniale e per un accordian album matrimoniale)

Sto leggendo

» "Due mondi due amori" di Danielle Steel

Oroscopo 2006

Devo essere particolarmente stressata (ho scoperto l'acqua calda) perchè oggi andavo di nuovo in cerca del mio oroscopo (che scade domani ed avevo già letto e postato)
25 - 31 May
The Sun in your house of secrets means you need candlelit me-time more than usual. One special project is about to take off and bring a whole new way of thinking about your summer plans.
Alla domanda: "Gli piaccio?", l'oracolo mi ha risposto: "You bet". E il Fortune Cookie mi ha confidato: "You've got a secret Admirer". E se non fosse così segreto? Oggi ho comprato una borsa come quella che avevo visto alla terza toxic friend (rediviva dal mio passato), ma mi piaceva molto (forse anzi di più) quella dell'altro negozio. Odio sentirmi colpevole per un acquisto. Non devo avere "cattive consigliere" quando vado per negozi. Sigh. Depression a go go. Alberto manca qualche giorno e cado nel baratro? Ma com'è? Forte il romanzo che sto leggendo (anche se è tradotto da cani), mi fa venire in mente mille sogni ad occhi aperti. Chissà se la terza T.F. mi chiamerà davvero per un caffè come ha detto (per me no, eppure ci devo sperare ancora visto che ci penso tutti i giorni da allora e sono anche qui che ne parlo) Da leggere quando avrò tempo:
2005: Cancer Overview
You're going to be very busy for the first few weeks of the New Year, Cancer -- but rewards will come along before you know it. Keep your goals in sight, and don't quit. All during winter, you'll feel the need to expand your horizons, either through travel, moving or connecting with like-minded others. Basically, the universe is giving you the chance to break out of your rut and learn something new. Take advantage of it. Sign up for classes or attend a seminar around the 21st of January.

Spring looks to be quite the hard working season for you, starting as soon as the solar eclipse on the 8th of April. This energizing event will affect your career and public reputation, urging you to take professional matters into your own hands. Just be sure not to ignore your family or partner while you're climbing the corporate ladder. The lunar eclipse on the 24th will shed its light on your friendships and group relationships. At that time, you may be asked to take more responsibility and prove your leadership abilities -- and you'll do a fine job. During May and June, a bit of intrigue may enter your life. Be careful not to become involved in anything that's not completely on the up-and-up.

Once summer rolls around, your focus will shift to your appearance -- possibly because there's someone new in your life who's inspiring you. You'll be tempted to spend more than you know you should once August 17th arrives. If you have to make a major purchase, shop around carefully.

Career and family will once again keep you busy during fall, especially around the 3rd and the 17th of October, when a pair of eclipses will activate these areas of your life. If you've been thinking of making a new career start, this would be a fine time to do it. By the end of November, you should be settled in comfortably -- like you'd been there all along. Money matters may be tight during the holiday season, but don't panic. You'll enjoy the season more if you concentrate on warm feelings, comfort food (your specialty) and mistletoe.

2005: Cancer Career
The New Year starts with a whirlwind of activity that should keep you too busy to think very far ahead, but the bluster won't last too long. By the 21st of January, you should be able to take a breather -- it's a good time to develop new skills or improve old ones. Throughout the winter, you'll feel a vague restlessness that will move you to consider new career options. You won't be tempted to chuck it all away, but you'll definitely want to make a move of some kind.

Spring will present challenges, but you'll be able to meet every one. The solar eclipse of April 8th will change the way your coworkers and supervisors see you -- so get to work beforehand to make sure that the change is in your favor. Keeping a balance between your personal life and your career track might be tough. Leadership becomes an issue on the last week of the month, so make sure you step up and show what you've got. Workplace struggles simmer through May and June -- try to keep above the fray if at all possible.

Your reputation will continue to be important through the summer, especially if you have new clients or bosses to worry about. Don't let them keep you from your responsibilities, though. Toward the end of August, a series of financial mini-crises will come and go; in each case, sensible spending will be the key.

October will see you thinking much more seriously about big career moves. The 17th is a time of big change for you in one way or another, but you'll absorb it quickly. By the time Thanksgiving rolls around, you should be used to your new scene and ready for the holiday rush. Put off any fiscal issues until the New Year, if possible -- they shouldn't be too urgent for the time being.

2005: Cancer Romantic
If your love life at the end of 2004 was a little too snug even for cozy you, prepare to change things up for the better. If you're coupled up, caring may have shifted to feeling a little confined; if you're single, the winter doldrums may have left you uninspired. The New Year's your wake-up call; boldly reenvision your love life now, then set about making it happen with your usual tenacity. January 22nd through the 29th is an excellent time to begin, and February 19th and the week that follows are all about expanding romantic horizons.

Speaking of expanding, your trademark generosity increases exponentially in March; just make sure anyone who's enjoying your lovely nurturing is worthy. Your sentimental nature requires much consideration, and you won't accept being taken for granted now (or ever, really). As other's thoughts turn with spring to love, you may become deeply involved in work. It'll prove rewarding, but take time out (especially in mid-April) for your love life. And take time out to deal with indecision surrounding a relationship or a potential one around May 19th; given a little space, your heart will tell you what to do, loud and clear.

Passion in June could rock your world, with the weekend of June 17th bringing an unusual intensity -- but wait to interpret your wild emotional responses further before committing to anything long-term. July kicks off with the cosmos smiling directly on you; you'll charm the socks off anyone you choose, and social events seem made for you to be the centerpiece. And with your high energy at the end of August, you can initiate something very sweet, whether it's with your longtime love or someone brand-new.

With the onset of autumn, you realize your personal philosophy of love needs updating to incorporate some new understanding. The weekend of September 16th is the perfect time to listen to your inner voice and explore the unknown -- whether it's unknown ideas or unknown people. Family matters are highlighted in the first half of October, and how you define your family may even change. Thanksgiving may find you busily making romantic plans along with a lovely dinner, and your December holidays are merry, bright and generally gorgeous, especially in the arena of love.

Vocaboli scrap

chipboard è cartone rigido.

lunedì, maggio 29, 2006


Il periodo del matrimonio è un momento particolare non solo della vita a due, ma anche e soprattutto per le amicizie, amicizie che non solo si devono riadattare al nuovo ruolo (quello di moglie) ma anche devono superare indenni il suddetto periodo (cioè appunto quello del matrimonio). Ora mi accingo a farvi capire meglio quello di cui intendo parlare. Essendo quello matrimoniale (e pre matrimoniale) un periodo di stress, di impegni accavallati e di decisioni da prendere, ed essendo la sposa un pò emozionata e più emotiva del solito, ci sarebbe bisogno di testimoni fidate. Purtroopo invece una costante che vedo ripetersi (e per la quale non ho potuto, mio malgrado, essere l'eccezione) è che le amicizie in periodo di matrimonio saltano. Vanno per aria per delle emerite cavolate, cosa che dovrebbe far capire che evidentemente da parte delle suddette amiche la cosa veniva covata da tempo. Fatto sta che la mia prima testimone (una delle due toxic friends)ha creato mille problemi perchè in realtà avrebbe voluto essere lei a decidere abiti, inviti, rinfreschi ecc e, come se non bastasse, avanzava pretese di abiti neri lunghi e scollati, bouquet e acconciatura (sborsati dalla sottoscritta) più un regalo "ad hoc" solo per lei (magari un gioiello, suggeriva spudoratamente) e che si sarebbe trascinati dietro l'onnipresente madre (che non conosce nessuno della famiglia mia o di Alberto, e che qualcuno dei parenti avrebbe dovuto intrattenere) e il mancato moroso (idem con patate). Voleva inoltre che fossi io ad andare da lei per scegliere le cose, non lei che per facilitarmi la scelta (che lei voleva obbligarmi a fare) si avvicinava. Mi ha infine (ciliegina sulla torta) fatto saltare la festa di addio al nubilato perchè, premesso che voleva mettere bocca su tutto, invitate comprese, dei giorni che mi potevano andare bene (esami allora imminenti e lavoro permettendo) lei non poteva liberarsi nessuno (un invito all'ultimo momento della corrispondente svizzera che non sentiva da diec'anni, l'inaugurazione del teatro vicino casa che non si voleva perdere e la cena settimanale con la madre che non si poteva spostare da venerdì a giovedì). Alla fine per fortuna la toxic friend si è autoeliminata quando le ho affiancato nel ruolo di testimone (non più unica quindi) un'altra mia amica (per la quale, diciamocelo, lei non ha mai fatto faville) in procinto di diventare la seconda toxic friend. La seconda testimone presentava diverse complicazioni: carattere diverso dal mio, mancanza di patente, ... ma tanto avevo già archiviato l'idea dell'addio al nubilato e mi ero arrangiata a fare tutto, indi non mi pareva potesse accadere altro. Il giorno del matrimonio si è, con mio sommo rammarico, resa antipatica a tutti, ma sono stati i mesi a venire quelli che mi hanno fatto scoprire chi fosse veramente e mi hanno fatto pentire di averla scelta come testimone perchè adesso che non ci sentiamo già più (e che non ci sentiremo sicuramente più) me la vedrò ogni volta che guardo le foto del mio matrimonio nell'improbabile ruolo di testimone. Che cosa triste vedere in quella posizione una persona che scopri solo dopo che amica non ti era affatto. Morale della favola: consiglio che le testimoni siano amiche di vecchia data, messe alla prova nella loro amicizia dal corso degli anni, dalle inevitabili partenze e ritorni. Magari compagne di scuola delle medie, quelle che magari non sentiamo così di frequente, ma quelle con cui sappiamo che, per quante ne possano mai accadere, non smetteremo mai di essere amiche. Meglio ancora una parente, una cugina, perchè alla fine si sa alle parenti si perdona tutto. Spero questo racconto che mi rende tuttora così triste possa illuminare qualche futura sposina: non prendete in considerazione le persone conosciute negli ultimi 2 anni per nessun motivo al mondo, non fatevi commuovere dal "poverina, in fin dei conti se lo merita più delle altre perchè loro non si fanno sentire quanto lo fa lei o perchè con-tutte-quelle-che-le-sono-capitate almeno si tirà su il morale se faccio fare da testimone proprio a lei".

sabato, maggio 27, 2006


Le mie preferenze vanno a layout di tipo classico piuttosto che metropolitano. Non mi piacciono le carte troppo strappate e non mi piacciono per niente i paper bag album (quelli ricavati dai sacchetti del pane, per intenderci). Non mi piacciono particolarmente gli album da scrapbooking che hanno dei separatori (tipo carta riso) tra le pagine. Seppur conscia quello sia l'album classico per antonomasia, non mi piace l'idea che le due pagine non si guardino: come faccio dare un tema al mio album se le pagine non sono visualmente collegate? Mi piaccioni i colori pastello e per le occasioni più classiche anche il grigio o il bianco e nero. Mi intriga l'idea di dare un filo conduttore all'album, di modo che le pagine non sembrino accostate a casaccio, ma ancora non ne trovo uno per il mio (le rose per quanto mi piacciano, mi stufano solo come idea). Forse, per legare visualmente le pagine dell'album, basterebbe il colore ecrù cioè quello del mio vestito ma non so dove trovare abbastanza fantasie proprio in quell'insolito colore. Mi piacciono gli adesivi con le lettere rotondi e bombati. Ho una simpatia per gli album slip in ma non mi danno l'idea di essere abbastanza seri per un'occasione come il matrimonio, piuttosto a questo punto il digitale così almeno poi stampo tutto e l'aspetto è più serio. Anche se per me lo scrapbooking vero è quello manuale, l'altro è un sistema per accorciare i tempi e fare meno disordine (al massimo per ottenere qualche effetto speciale) ma non è la mia passione. Forse penso questo perchè ho iniziato proprio dal digitale e quindi vedo quello fisico, con tutte le difficoltà del caso di reperire materiale e talvolta anche inventarselo, un punto di arrivo.
Esempio di layout matrimoniale classico con un tocco di rosso:

Altro esempio di tipo classico/moderno, comunque sobrio:

25 - 31 May

25 - 31 May
The Sun in your house of secrets means you need candlelit me-time more than usual. One special project is about to take off and bring a whole new way of thinking about your summer plans.

venerdì, maggio 26, 2006

10 Common Regrets

10 Common Scrapbooking Regrets
by Mimi Russell (Mar 29, 2006)

Have you ever heard someone say, "If I could do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing." Did you believe them? Neither did I. We all have regrets in life, and of course, we have some regrets in our scrapbooks, as well. Here are some common regrets that you may have experienced yourself, and links to helpful articles that will help you avoid them!

Over-buying- Many of these scrapbooking regrets apply to someone new to the hobby, but don't feel ashamed or embarrassed if you can relate all too well. We are all human after all. As a novice scrapbooker, I was so enthralled with my new hobby and the whole row of goodies awaiting me at Michael's that I would buy everything in sight. That was a mistake because now seven years later, I still have a lot of those really loud patterned papers in my stash and I will never use them. I can't even pawn them off on my daughters! Of course, I am still guilty of this one today. Though I understand the logic in bringing your photos to the scrapbook store and just buying what you need, that's a hard lesson to learn and stick to.

Shopping for a Layout by Andrea Steed

Zig-zags, anyone? - Now this might be dating myself, as deco scissors have been "out" for quite a while, but I'll admit it. I bought them, all of them, every shape and design, even different brands of the same design. There was just something about the cute colored handles that made me want them all. Most of these have remained unused, but another big regret I have is actually using those deco scissors to cut my pictures. There's nothing worse than a crooked circle cut with scalloped scissors, except maybe the crooked star cut with the sunflower scissors. Pictures look much better cut with straight (or solid) edges, and if you must use the deco scissors, use them for the mat.

To Crop or Not to Crop by Janna Wilson

Silhouettes - While on the subject of cutting your photos, I am a strong supporter of the good old rectangle. Every now and then though, you might want to cut out the person (or object) in your photo as a silhouette. As a beginning scrapbooker, I really liked to silhouette my pictures, sometimes too much. I regret that now.

Creative Photo Cropping by Allyson Bright

Funky Shapes - In addition to silhouettes, it's easy to get caught up into cutting pictures into different shapes. Whether you are tracing a template or using a cool tool that lets you cut stars and polygons in a matter of seconds, try not to overdo it. An occasional circle or oval is nice to break up the rectangles, but be careful with the funkier shapes. They should be used more sparingly and preferably not together like I did.

Geometrically Speaking by Lindsay Teague

Enamored with Embellies - This is a regret that I think even the most seasoned scrapper might fall victim to every now and then. With so many fantastic embellishments hitting the market all the time, it's easy to pick something up and just go a little nuts. However, when you let your use of embellishments overtake the main purpose of your layout, you may regret it.

Embellishments: To Add or Not to Add? by Fion Lim

Mounds of Memorabilia - Normal people collect memorabilia. Maybe they save ticket stubs from a favorite show or a matchbook from a special restaurant. Scrapbookers, however, may take a normal vacation and come home with more memorabilia than they do photos. If you are saving cocktail napkins with a soda-stained ring on them, the receipts for the postcards that you bought for the scrapbook, and the cute (but somewhat greasy) little bag that the jumbo cookie from Disneyland came in, you might regret that someday.

Maintaining Your Memorabilia by Ramona Greenspan

No photos? No problem. - I think it's easy to overlook scrapbooking a special memory just because you don't have photos. For me, the first time I created a layout without photos was when we went to visit our family in Mississippi for Thanksgiving and all ended up very ill. Nobody was in the mood to take pictures, but it certainly was a visit we will never forget. I decided to write the story and embellish the page with seasonal die-cuts.

Scrapbooking Without Pictures by Tammy Moore

Everyday Moments - If you're like me, you get so busy with living everyday life that sometimes taking pictures is the last thing on your mind. Our albums are full of holidays and special events such as birthdays, piano recitals, sports and other activities. What about those everyday moments? What about when your two-year-old decides to dress herself in a halter top and snow pants? How about pictures of the daily routine, with the kids reading their favorite books, or even doing their homework? These things deserve to be preserved for all eternity as much as their yearly birthday party pictures. I took the time last year to take a picture of our house each season. Not only was it fun to take the pictures and compare the differences, but it gave me an opportunity to journal about our home.

A Slice of Life by Ramona Greenspan

Empty Journaling - This is a tough one, but with some practice you can learn to make sure your journaling isn't "empty." You want to put more than the date and place where the pictures were taken. While sometimes that is enough, don't forget to journal about your feelings, because after all is said and done, it's not the fact that we went to Disney World and got Gina's picture taken with Snow White, it's the fact that our daughter Gina's nickname was Snow White because her pale skin and beautiful dark hair reminded everyone of her favorite princess. Seeing Snow White was such a huge thing for Gina, and that story would be lost if I only wrote that we saw Snow White at Magic Kingdom in January. You don't have to be sappy; just tell your stories and explain why the memories are so special.

Bringing Your Words to Life by Denise Gormish

Handwriting - I know I am not in the majority here, but I really want to stress how important I think it is to have your own handwriting in your scrapbooks. Sure, we have limitless computer fonts at our disposal to make sure others can read our stories, and you can even have you own handwriting made into a font to use on your computer, but it's just not the same. We each have our own style of writing and that is part of who we are, like it or not! I would definitely regret it if my scrapbooks did not have that part of me in them.

Journaling by Hand by Ramona Greenspan
Keep in mind these regrets as you go about your scrapbooking, but in the end, no matter what regrets we may have, we are all going to be proud of what we have created for our children and families. No matter if we have used deco scissors or if we kept every scrap of memorabilia we ever came across, we have at least preserved our memories and left our legacy.

giovedì, maggio 25, 2006

c/o Wedding Album

Ormai avrete capito che sono alla caccia grossa di idee per farmi l'album matrimoniale, scusate quindi la ripetitività del tema.

Article Of The Month
November 2004 - Organizing Your Wedding Album

by LeNae Gerig

“I want to make my wedding album—but how do I organize all my photos and memorabilia?” It’s one of the most frequent questions I hear—from new brides and from women trying to tackle that “wedding box” years after the actual ceremony.

A wedding album is a very special thing, and putting one together can seem like a daunting task. Once you start organizing it, though, it’s easy to break it down into a manageable project. Let’s go!

About The Album
I recommend using a post-bound album or a 3-ring binder-style album for a book like this. Both styles allow you to move pages around easily, so organizing is less stressful.

Standard post-bound albums (like those from Paper Pizazz® or Pioneer Albums) will have plastic page protectors bound into the book. You can open the binding of the album at the back to add more pages that are sold separately—there are instructions included in each album, and it’s really easy to do. Each sheet protector usually has a white or black sheet of cardstock inside. You can replace this with your decorated page, placing two decorated pages back-to-back inside the protector. I use those cardstock sheets for matting, since I prefer to make my pages on patterned paper instead of plain cardstock.

If you want to switch pages around, just pull the page from the protector and replace with a different one.

The Intro Page
Every album will start with one single opening page—when you open the cover, this single page will set the stage and theme of your book. The rest of the pages in the book will open to be double-page spreads. For a wedding album, this first page is the perfect place for your title (“Chris and LeNae’s Wedding: December 15, 1990") and a favorite photo of the two of you. That photo can be a wedding picture, engagement photo or just a casual picture of the two of you together.

For the rest of the album, you can create double-page spreads, single page layouts or a combination of both. A double page spread is where both pages coordinate by color, theme and event—so you’ll open the book and “read” both pages together. You might dedicate a two-page spread to your reception, for example, but only have enough photos of your wedding preparations for a single-page layout. And of course, you can always dedicate more than two pages to a particular part of the wedding!

Coordinating Your Album
A theme album generally has a thread of continuity throughout the book. Please don’t feel like you need to use the same paper, or even the same color, on every page in your album. It’s much more visually pleasing and easier to scrapbook if you use papers and embellishments that coordinate with the photos. For example, just because your wedding color was pink doesn’t mean you must use pink throughout your book. You might instead choose to use the same journaling font throughout for a look of continuity.

Chronological Organization
It’s usually easiest to arrange a wedding album in the order of events. Here’s a general outline of a typical wedding album outline. You may have more photos for one particular area, and fewer in another, depending on the size and style of your wedding. That’s fine—this is your book, and it should reflect your style.

A word about journaling: Don’t include only photos and memorabilia in your album. Tell the story in words too. Just imagine looking through your great-grandmother’s wedding album—what do you wish you knew about that day? A picture tells a thousand words, but your words will tell the real story.

Before you were married
Start with photos of the two of you before you were married: on dates, hanging out together or an engagement photo. Some newspapers run engagement announcements, or you might have mailed a formal announcement, so be sure to include those too. Don’t have any of these things? Then include a few shots of your favorite places to go together—or place separate photos of each of you, side by side on the page…or you can create one page that’s all about you, and the facing page can be all about him.

The story of the proposal
When and how did he propose? Did he have the ring with him or did you pick it out together? Were you surprised? Did he ask your father beforehand? Try to get his perspective too: Was he nervous? What made him pick that particular place and time? You probably won’t have a photo of him actually proposing, but you could include a close-up photo of the ring, either in the box or on your finger, or a photo of the place where he proposed. This section generally requires more journaling, because the actual details are more important here than any photo.

Dress shopping
Photos are great for this section—but if you don’t have photos, you might include a list of all the stores you shopped at, pictures torn from bridal magazines, and finally, the business card or a photo of the store where you bought the dress. Think about these questions in your journaling: What kind of dress did you want when you started shopping? What did you actually buy?

Wedding preparations
Planning a wedding can be a full-time job! Some brides have wedding coordinators, some count on Mom for help and others do it all themselves. What’s your style? How did you and your husband divide the duties? Was he in charge of the DJ for the reception, while you sampled rehearsal dinner menus? Any disagreements? What was your perspective on the planning stage—was it worth every minute, or did you ever feel overwhelmed?

Include details on your decisions, too. Every bride focuses on a different part of the day—for some, the most important detail is the food, for others, it’s the music. What did you focus your energies on?

The shower
You might have had several showers, with co-workers, family and girlfriends. You can scrapbook each of these separately, or together on one spread. Some things to include: a copy of each invitation, the guest lists for each shower, plus a copy of one of your thank-you notes. Pocket pages are great for holding these pieces, especially as they all might be different sizes. Oh, yes—one thing I wished I had saved from my showers was the list of who gave me what. Years later, I realized just how often I use this wonderful serving tray…and I wish I could remember who gave it to us!

Rehearsal and rehearsal dinner
These photos are usually candid—for a terrific variety, ask friends and relatives to bring a camera, or provide guests with disposable cameras. If you don’t have any photos from the event, you can scrapbook the menu, guest list and a business card from the restaurant or caterer. If you’re scrapbooking your album years after the event, you might not have any of these things. That’s okay. Instead, you can journal what you remember about the rehearsal and dinner: Did anything go awry? How did you feel “practicing” that walk down the aisle?

The wedding day
You’ll have professional photos of the day’s event, but sometimes the most special photos are those taken by friends and relatives. My favorite photo from our ceremony was taken by my aunt—it’s a profile shot of my father crying and me with a veiled face, walking toward my groom. I cry whenever I look at it. For those about-to-be-married women: Make sure you know exactly when your photographer will leave the wedding so you know all aspects of the day are covered, right up to the reception. Disposable cameras are great—give them to the groomsmen (they need an assignment) and place them on the tables.

Ask a friend or relative who’s not involved in the party to be in charge of the casual photography: Taking pictures of the church or wedding site being set up, the reception area being decorated, a photo of the kitchen and any behind-the-scenes activities.

As for memorabilia, as with your shower, you’ll want to save a copy of your wedding invitation, guest list, thank-you note, gift list, menu of the wedding meal plus business cards from the florist, dress shop, bakery, jeweler, DJ and anyone else who contributed to the event.

The reception
Significant moments, of course, will be the first dance with your husband, you and your father dancing, your husband and his mother dancing, the two of you cutting the cake and you tossing the bouquet. And don’t forget to include casual photos of guests dancing, eating and socializing. If your “getaway car” has been decorated, be sure to ask a friend or relative to get a photo beforehand—plus one of the two of you driving away.

As for journaling, you can talk about who came to the event: Did anyone come from out of town? Anyone who you hadn’t seen for awhile?

The honeymoon
Where did you go? Why did you pick that particular destination? Whether it’s on the other side of the world or just a few hours from home, you can dedicate a few layouts to your honeymoon—some brides create a separate travel-themed album on the honeymoon alone. At any rate, you can include destination brochures, airplane tickets, photos of the two of you leaving.

The official announcement
Be sure to include newspaper announcements of your wedding (and engagement, if you have an announcement). Color copy the newspaper clipping onto acid-free paper—yes, you’ll want to copy it in color in order to capture the shades and tones of the photo. You can also color copy it onto off-white paper for a more realistic effect. If you don’t have access to a color copier, just take it to a Kinko’s or copy shop and they’ll help you out.

After the wedding
A wedding album doesn’t have to stop at the end of the event. After the wedding is generally when you hear all about the things that happened which you knew nothing about at the time! After the wedding, I found out that the gardener at the church nearly plowed over the cake—it was saved by one of my bridesmaids, who displayed an uncharacteristic touch of ferocity! Jot down these stories, along with your reaction to them.

The Last Page
As with the first page of your album, the last page in the book will also be a single. This is a great place to put that official announcement, or a photo of the two of you together.

Remember, while these guidelines are a great way to organize your album, they are only that—guidelines. Every wedding is different, and every bride is different. Don’t worry about what other people say it should look like. Follow your heart when creating this book…the same way you followed your heart on that very special day.

Content copyright © Hot Off The Press

Nuova rivista (art. cit.)

E’ uscita in questi giorni una nuova rivista italiana di scrapbooking, Tecniche creative Scrapbooking, un mensile edito da CIGRA 2003; è la terza rivista di questo genere che esce nel 2006 e devo dire che questa cosa mi fa molto piacere perchè noto che lo scrapbooking comincia ad essere di casa anche in Italia.

Ho acquistato la rivista e ho notato con piacere che l’impaginazione è chiara gradevole e che contiene anche tanti articoli “da leggere” oltre che lavori da guardare.
Le tecniche sono spiegate in dettaglio e ci sono anche alcuni spunti che vanno al di là della semplice rivista da neofita.

La cosa che mi ha lasciato però un po’ perplessa è il fatto che tra le autrici della rivista ci siano principalmente artiste americane e solo una italiana, e che alla nostra “portabandiera” sia stata affidata solo una sezione che con lo scrap ha poco a che fare.

Da una rivista italiana, sinceramente mi aspettavo una maggiore partecipazione delle artiste italiane, che sicuramente non mancano e che non hanno nulla da invidiare alle autrici americane scelte.

Alcuni articoli li ho trovati sinceramente un po’ “campati in aria”, come l’articolo che parla (per due pagine) del valore dell’amicizia tra amiche (ma che c’entra con lo scrap?) e l’articolo sull’ispirazione per le card di auguri che non riporta neppure un esempio di card, ma solo Layout con tema completamente casuale; infine qualche inesattezza di impaginazione (titoli di LO scambiati!).

Faccio comunque agli editori il mio “in bocca al lupo” sperando che nei prossimi numeri riescano a dare maggior fiducia e risalto allo scrap italiano, staccandosi un po’ da quel principio che tutto lo scrap che viene dall’USA è sempre e comunque meglio.

Art. Cit.


Prima di (punzonare e di) fermare piccole tag (ad esempio piccoli cerchi) con i fermacampioni (in inglese punches), applicate un pezzetto di scotch biadesivo sul retro del cartoncino (oppure usate cartoncino con il retro adesivo).

Want to easily and quickly adhere small circle pieces to your layout? Before punching, apply adhesive to the back of your cardstock, such as with a Xyron machine, or use cardstock sold with an adhesive backing.

Tacchino Balsamico

Fettine di tacchino all'aceto balsamico

Ingredienti(per 4)
4 fettine di fesa di tacchino alte circa 1/2 cm, 4 cucchiai di farina, 60 g di burro, 4 cucchiai di olio di oliva, 3/4 di bicchiere di aceto balsamico, sale

Infarinate le fettine di carne togliendo la farina in eccesso.
In un tegame mettete a scaldare il burro e l'olio e, quando saranno ben caldi, mettete le fette di carne a rosolare.
Fate cuocere 3/4 minuti per lato a fuoco vivace, in modo che sulle fette si formi una crosticina dorata. Salate.
Appena le fette saranno rosolate alzate ulteriormente la fiamma e versate sulla carne tutto l'aceto balsamico facendo in modo che le fette ne siano ben intrise.
Continuate la cottura per un paio di minuti e quando vedrete che l'aceto è stato tutto assorbito togliete dal fuoco.
Potete mangiare queste appetitose fettine sia calde che fredde.

mercoledì, maggio 24, 2006

This Smile - layout

Doppia pagina 30x30
Nastro in stoffa ondulato di tre colori (bianco - rosa - fucsia) che in inglese si chiama rick rack.
Cartoncino in 4 tonalità di rosa (rosa pallido - rosa - confetto - fucsia scuro) sistemato in modo sovrapposto sullo sfondo.
Un foglio fantasia (sui toni del rosa, qui pois piccoli)
Una sola foto va ingabbiata (quella nella pagina di destra)
Una targhetta doppia rotonda ricavata dal foglio fantasia (il cerchio più grande) e dal cartoncino rosa confetto (il cerchio di più piccolo). La targhetta viene incollata sopra alla foto ingabbiata.

This Smile
Add a fun, girly look to your layout with rick rack.

You'll need: 5 sheets of cardstock, 2 strips of patterned paper, 1 set of letter stamps, 1 inkpad, 1 pen, 8 pieces of rick rack, 2 circle punches (one large, one small), 4 photos.


Trim strips of cardstock and patterned paper and layer them on the background.

Embellish the cardstock borders with rick rack. Arrange your photos and adhere them to the layout. Punch a small circle and large circle out of patterned paper to create a tag.

Stamp key words of the title and fill in the rest with your handwriting. Write your journaling.

This Smile by Michaela Young-Mitchell. Supplies Textured cardstock: Bazill Basics Paper; Patterned paper and letter stamps: Karen Foster Design; Stamping ink: Close to My Heart; Circle punches: CARL Mfg.; Rick rack: Wrights; Pen: Zig Writer, EK Success.


Sono proprio incavolata: ho trovato recentemente il sito e mi sono iscritta alla Newsletter, che per altro mi sembra abbastanza ricca di idee e piacevole da leggere, peccato che via e-mail mandino solo un link che poi si deve aprire con Acrobat e che prende sempre un errore. Di conseguenza la pagina si chiude prima che si siano anche solo viste tutte le pagine. Oltretutto i documenti in Acrobat non sono per niente piacevoli da leggere perchè è materialmente difficoltoso "scrollare giù" mentre le pagine si caricano una alla volta. Tantissimi punti in meno ed una tirata d'orecchi.

martedì, maggio 23, 2006

Mad about Summer

In momenti come questi sento la mancanza della bella rivista Vitality della Rusconi che riusciva spesso a darmi ispirazioni ed immagini su cui sognare.

sabato, maggio 20, 2006

Tipi di Album

In breve (per informazioni dettagliate continuate a leggere):
"post-bound" = a vite
"matted-page" = con tagli per inserire le foto
"slip in" = raccoglitore a buste trasparenti
"dry-mount" = con fogli plain separati da veline o carta riso
"book-bound" = rilegati a libro
"pin hinge" = tenuti insieme da un ingegnoso meccanismo
"spiral-bound" = a spirale

"post-bound" album = album a vite
"matted-page" album = album con tagli per inserire le foto
"slip in" album = raccoglitore a buste trasparenti
"dry-mount" album = album con fogli plain separati da veline (parchment paper interleaving) o carta riso (with white ricepaper-patterned interleaving) che possono essere anche neri se i fogli lo sono; i "dry-mout" possono essere anche a vite. (Leggi altre info interessanti nel NB) Vedi un esempio di "dry-mount" album
"book-bound" album = album rilegati a libro
"pin hinge" album = album tenuti insieme da un ingegnoso meccanismo, vedi
"spiral-bound" album = a spirale
NB In Europe, any dry-mount album can be used as a scrapbook album, and there is no standard format for a scrapbook album. However, in the USA and Australia, scrapbook albums typically have a plastic page protector with a removable card insert, usually either in 12"x12" or 8.5"x11" sizes. Photos are mounted on the card insert, which is then decorated with stickers, stamps, frames, etc, and the insert is then returned to the page protector. Molto bello (e molto meno costoso del precedente), peccato abbia solo 10 pagine (sheets with inserts dove inserts sono fogli plain inseriti in buste trasparenti da raccoglitore, ma con tre buchi - tanto la parte dei buchi non dovrebbe vedersi in questi album):

Vedi dettagli dei vari tipi di album cliccando qui

Nella mia wish-list per favore inserite pure questo:
Io intanto punterò a qualcosa così:

Ricette Cercasi (continua)

Continua la ricerca di ricette semplici e veloci, per favore postate. Grazie a Stefi e Katia per le pagine gourmet manoscritte.

Matrimonio ABC in Italiano

A anelli con-questo-anello abito attesa auto altare
B bacio bambini bouquet bomboniere
C chiesa cugini coro cravatta confetti
D dolce
E emozione
F fiori famiglia festa foto firme
G gardenia (all'occhiello)
I inviti invitati
L luna di miele
M mamme
N nonni navata
O oro
P piccoli (inteso come bambini) parco parenti / platino (puro ed inalterabile) paggetti
R rose ricevimento riso
S sposi sì-lo-voglio suoceri
T tight testimoni
U uscita dalla chiesa
V villa
Z zii

Prodotti base

. colla stick
. scotch biadesivo
. pennarello indelebile nero
. carte da scrapbooking
. cartoncini per lo sfondo
. lettere adesive
. trasferelli (lettere e numeri)
. dymo con nastro nero
. matita
. gomma
. stecca
. forbici
. forbici taglia bordi
. taglierina
. perforatore
. buste trasparenti grandi
. nastri ed abbellimenti vari

The Basics Product Orientation
1. Album choice - size and style
12x12 is the industry standard
Many people still work in the 8x10 size
2. Adhesives
Permanent - photo splits, Hermafix tab dispenser, two-way Zig
Temporary - truly archival (Hermafix)
3. Personal trimmer
4. Photo safe paper
5. Journaling pen -- There are two types of pens or markers:
Dye-based and Pigment-based
-The ink of dye-based markers usually breaks down over time and they are not waterproof.

-You should use a pigment ink pen or marker that is permanent. Pigment ink is fade resistant, waterproof and chemically stable.

Tools and Embellishments (all optional)
1. Stickers
2. Die cuts
3. Decorative rulers
4. Punches
5. Fancy pens and markers

Come postare un link

Come postare un link

NB se manca http:// dà un molto improbabile link interno

c/o Album Matrimoniale

Un tema che separa ed insieme unisce le varie sezioni

Altro modello (molto classico) di impostazione per le pagine

Pazzesco: Wedding ABC Album List

Announcements, Adoring, Arrangements, Altar, Aisle
Bride, Bride-to-Be, Best Man, Bridesmaid, Best Friends, Balloons, Band, Bells, Bouquet, Bouquet Toss, Boutonniere, Bachelorette Party, Bachelor Party, Bridal Luncheon, Something BLUE

Church, Cake, Compromising, Candles, Catering, Champagne, Corsage, Cutting the Cake, Cold Feet, Confetti, Candelabra, Camera, Ceremony, Certificate, Cathedral, Cocktails

Dating, Dance, Decorations, Drinks, Diamond, D.J., Drunk

Engagement, Engagement Ring, Entertainment, Elope, Excitement, Elegant

Family and Friends, Forgiving, Flowers, Flower Girl, First Dance, Favors, Fun, First Toast, Formal, Father of the Bride

Groom, Guests, Gifts, Garter, Gown, Gift list, "Getting Ready!", Gold, Gloves

Honeymoon, Hugs, Hotel, Headpiece, Head Table, Happiness, Host and Hostess

Invitations, Intimacy, "I do!", In-Laws

Justice of the Peace, Jitters, Jewelry, "JUST MARRIED!", Jamming at the Reception, Jingling Bells, Joining Hands in Marriage, Jr. Bride's Maid

Kiss!, Karat(s) (gold or diamond), Keepsakes, Kneeling at the Altar, Knight in Shining Armor, Kodak Moments

Leg, Limo, Love, Lingerie, Lace, License

Maid of Honor, Marriage, Motel, Music, Matron of Honor, Memories, Minister, "Man & Wife", Mother of the Bride

Newlyweds, New Life Together, Something NEW, Nervous

Oath, Something OLD, Organist

Presents, Priest, Permit (wedding), Planning, Photographer, Photographs, Pictures, Party, Popping the Question, Pianist, Prayer, Punch

Quiet Moments, Qualms, Question (the big one)

Rings, Reception, Reservations, Rehearsal, Ribbon, Ring Bearer, Religion, Registry, Reception Line, Rice, RSVP

Shower (Wedding Shower), Songs, Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, Silk Stockings, "Speak Now or Forever Hold your Peace", Spiking the Punch, Season

Tuxedo, Traditions, Tuelle, Theme, Tie, Tailored Suit, Table, Tail Piece, Taffeta

Ushers, Something USED, Union, Unity Candle

Vows, Veil, Vegas (honeymoon capital), Videotaping the Wedding

Wedding, Wedding March, Wedding Party, Wedding Dress, Wedding Party Table, Walking down the Aisle, Wine, Wife

Xtra Special Day!

"YES!", Year of Marriage

Zooming Down the Aisle, Zonked (like drunk - maybe at the reception!)

ALSO INCLUDE: Relatives, Specific Guests, Locations, Honeymoon Specifics, etc

E venne Maggio

Una delle mie toxic pals sembra essersi trovata un boyfriend nuovo di zecca (sempre stando a ciò che scrive sul suo myspace, perchè i rapporti non sono ripresi) e nemmeno badlooking. Nessuna notizia invece dalla mia omonima, anche se molto "that's miss bitch for you" (=bastardamente) le ho mandato il sito mio e di Alberto proprio il giorno del suo genetliaco. Nel pomeriggio A vuole che lo aiuti con il suo lavoro, ma io ho anche il mio, la casa (il bimbo è qui da mercoledì) e vorrei un pò di "me time". Il primo kit per lo scrapbooking è arrivato ieri (21 euri), è davvero piccolo (per un album a fisarmonica) e all'inizio mi ci ero anche un pò depressa, sono ancora molto indecisa se fare un mini album matrimoniale per i miei ("mamma della sposa" "papà della sposa"), un mini album matrimoniale per i nonni di A con tutta la parentela o un mini album per me così mi resta sotto gli occhi il mio primo lavoro. Devo inoltre fare doccia con lavaggio capelli (e maschera) finire ceretta, decolorare pile (altered).

17 - 24 May
Hang on to what makes you smile and walk away from toxic pals or impossible situations.