mercoledì, dicembre 15, 2004

The presence of Saturn in Cancer, your Sun sign, continues throughout 2004. The burdens, responsibilities and duties Saturn brings may have already begun to feel like a permanent feature that you may not be aware that Saturn is only in Cancer for a limited period, until July 2005 to be precise, during which time you have the opportunity to build new foundations in your personal life. Since Saturn rules your opposite sign of Capricorn, it is likely that it is through your important relationships, both personal and professional, that you'll experience added burdens and responsibilities. You may also have to decide between greater emotional security or greater material security in your personal life. At times your burdens may be heavy and you'll feel a bit heavy too, more serious and sober. Towards the end of September 2004, Jupiter, the planet of luck, optimism and good fortune moves into Libra and the area of your Solar chart governing, amongst other things, your home, family and domestic situation and to a certain extent your past and private life. Between January and September is excellent for all forms of communication (especially editing, re-writing important paperwork and re-working your ideas between January and May). You'll also want your philosophical, religious or spiritual values to play a greater role in your day-to-day communications and interactions with the world. At times you may find yourself with a dilemma, especially if you feel your philosophy should be workable on a personal not just a philosophical or intellectual level. If so then you may be required to a take a leap of faith and trust that there are just some things that are unfathomable to mere mortals, and we just end up chasing our tail if we adopt a too narrow, unimaginative, rationalistic viewpoint. Like a finger pointing to the Moon, concentrate on the finger and you'll miss all that heavenly glory. The movement of Jupiter into Libra from the autumn should correspond with a period of greater domestic happiness and bliss, improving relations with family and loved ones and ushering in a period of renewed confidence and optimism that runs deep. Renewed inner-belief is indicated and so to is some good fortune or an expansion on the domestic front. Next year, some of you will finally find your oasis and put down roots. With Uranus, beginning a 7-year stay in Pisces just as 2004 gets underway, this is further indication that the freedom you'll seek and find next year will be as much mental (or intellectual) as physical. April is an important month where your career, status, destiny and worldly direction are concerned but you need to be especially careful, painstaking and above all patient where important contracts, paperwork and documentation are concerned. It is also important that you don't let the fears and anxieties of some of your friends and loved ones prevent you from going after what's best for you, especially between mid-May and the end of June. If necessary, be prepared to bide your time and wait till October when a Solar Eclipse in Libra indicates a significant break from the past is on the cards.

Need: parola troppo importante per usarla così. Ho bisogno di perdere un paio di chili, niente di più e per quello posso chiedere aiuto solo a me.
Wishing: che il bbs torni a funziare and to get a walking-closet filled with:

Trying to: resistere alle tentazioni per entrare decentemente in un guardaroba di quel tipo.
Saving for tomorrow: sistemare un pò di cose per la scuola i prossimi giorni (disegni alle finestre e schede di Natale) e riordinare il tavolo della cucina, poi ho sempre una lavatrice scura che mi aspetta.

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